Friday, May 28, 2010


Can't get in to open the cabin Memorial weekend due to the road still being closed, so Ellen and I are planning to go up the weekend of June 25th. We'll have the adventure of finding out how many broken pipes there are this year. I think we have a guy willing to go up this summer who can do plumbing and maybe redo the piping so we don't have so many problems.

Since we didn't close, was there anything from the end of last season that needs to be addressed this season?

1 comment:

  1. Julie,

    Katherine and I closed the cabin. The only thing that I can think of is the plumbing problems. In the kitchen, the hot water pipe that connects to the sink was leaking. It was bad enough that the silverware drawer to the left of the sink wouldn't open.

    My recollection is that there was plenty of paper towels and tp at the cabin. We moved pretty much everything into the cabin including the gas BBQ.

    One thing that I have thought about for years is to improve the lighting in the kitchen and in the main room. So, when you guy looks at the plumbing, maybe he can also look at the lighting and think about adding a new fixture or 2. Maybe a new one above the couch/foldaway bed on the north wall. And replacing the one over the stove in the kitchen. I have found some on the web that give about 75watts of light and would be happy to buy some. However, no one wants me to install them.

